January 2021
2020 was a year that will be forever in our memories. The pandemic changed our lives in so many different ways. Due to travel restrictions, many part-time lake residents were unable to spend time at their lake homes and enjoy our beautiful White Lake. Neighbors became caretakers of their neighbor's homes as the stillness fell across the lake. With renewed hope in the COVID-19 vaccination program, it is our hope that many of you will be able to return during the summer in 2021. We urge everyone to continue following all CDC COVID-19 guidelines, wearing masks and performing all recommended health and safety precautions. Let's get back to normal and enjoy our time at the lake!
BUT, for some full-time residents, the enjoyment of lake living brought new meaning. In October, 2020, while fishing off her parent's dock, Lena Kim (10 years old) caught a 26 lb Hybrid Striped Bass "Wiper". It measured 32" long, 25.5 girth and was a beauty. Her parents had the fish mounted to be an everlasting memory for her.
For her efforts, the Department of Natural Resources awarded her the 2020 Fish of the Year award! The results of her win and other winners are now posted to the DNR website at http://www.in.gov/dnr/fishwild/10522.htm. In addition, she received a certificate and commemorative patch to honor her catch. Lena is also featured in the 2021/2022 Indiana Fishing Regulations Guide (see Table of Contents) of the book.
Below are photos of Lena and her sister taken by their proud father, Jeff Bielata.
Concerning additional lake news, the WLCD Annual Board Meeting has been rescheduled for a date to be announced in March, 2021 due to the COVID-19. An annual update letter will be mailed to each lake owner in late March to bring everyone up-to-date on the 2021 Budget, primary spillway repairs, 2020 dam inspection results and other lake news.
WLCD Board Members: Jayne Averitt, Mike Richards
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