Dedicated to maintaining the highest water quality in the lake for the exclusive use by lake property owners and to the operation and maintenance of the dam.
WLCD Lake Rules and Regulations
The following Rules and Regulations are hereby issued to govern the use of White Lake and the waters of White Lake and all other properties and facilities of the White Lake Conservancy District, together with all land within the boundaries of the White Lake Conservancy District (herein after referred to as WLCD). Persons violating these rules and regulations may be denied use of White Lake and other properties of WLCD. WLCD may enforce these Rules and Regulations by suit at law or equity and may exercise all remedies provided to Indiana Conservancy Districts for the enforcement of rules and regulations, as said remedies may now or hereafter exist in the laws of the State of Indiana.
1. Freeholder – A Freeholder as defined on a taxing document (“Freeholders”), renters of property located within the boundaries of the WLCD (“Renters”) or guests of either a Freeholder or Renter (“Guests”) are subject to these Rules (Freeholders, Renters and Guests collectively called “Qualified Users”). Only Qualified Users are eligible to use the waters of White Lake and all other facilities of WLCD in accordance with this Resolution or any other resolution of WLCD.
2. Any Qualified User who violates Section II, III or IV of these Rules and Regulations will be given a written warning. If any Qualified User receives two written warnings within a twelve-month period, said person and all family members will be suspended from lake usage for a period of twelve (12) months.
3. Any persons using the waters of White Lake or other facilities of WLCD other than Qualified Users will be considered trespassers and as such, will be subject to arrest and/or penalties as provided by law.
1. All water craft operated on White Lake must be the personal property of a Freeholder or Renter. WATER CRAFT OWNED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN FREEHOLDERS OR RENTERS ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THE LAKE.
2. All water craft, except the pontoon type, may not exceed sixteen (16) feet in length. Pontoon type water craft may not exceed ten (10) feet in width and twenty-five (25) feet in length.
3. Underwater craft are NOT permitted in, on or under White Lake.
4. All water craft shall be identified by decal with the Freeholders lot number at least three (3) inches in height displayed on both sides of the water craft.
5. All water craft must display two (2) current WLCD Freeholders decals, one on each side of the water craft visible when the water craft is in the water.
6. No Qualified User will be allowed to put a new water craft in the waters of White Lake if they have a submerged water craft or water craft that is not capable of operating on the White Lake located on or adjacent to the Freeholders property. Removal of submerged water craft will be at the lake owner’s expense.
7. Equipment:
a. All water craft must be equipped in accordance with the laws of the State of Indiana but with no less than one (1) life preserving device in good repair for each person on board.
b. All water craft operating after sunset and before sunrise, must display the lighting, as required by the boating regulations of the State of Indiana.
c. No water craft shall display or use any insignia or other equipment implying lake patrol or law enforcement, unless authorized by the WLCD Board of Directors.
8. Each Qualified User is limited to not more than two (2) water crafts, including but not limited to, canoes, kayaks, and small paddle boats, stored at such Qualified User’s dock at any given time; unless challenged by another Freeholder(s) before the Board of Directors. The challenge must be written in a formal letter addressed to the Board of Directors for consideration. Water craft in excess of such limit may be stored on shore. Water craft stored on shore must be completely out of the water and secured to land.
9. Winter Storage of Water Craft: Only pontoon boats will be allowed to remain in lake during the winter months. All other water craft must be secured and stored on lake owners’ property. This is to protect the lake and dam from boats sinking during heavy rain and/or snowfall.
10. From and after the effective date of this Resolution, no gas motors are permitted on water craft in the waters of White Lake. This rule, however, does not apply to the WLCD, nor any contractor performing work for the WLCD. Freeholders seeking to employ contractors to perform work on Freeholders docks or property must seek approval from the WLCD Board of Directors to allow contractors to use gasoline motors. However, the Freeholder(s) who seek approval for their own personal construction projects are solely responsible for their contractors negligence resulting in contamination from gasoline/or oil motors. The Board of Directors shall not be responsible for said negligence.
11. Operation:
a. The operator of any water craft must know these Rules and Regulations and must operate the water craft in a safe and prudent manner to be determined in the sole discretion of any WLCD Safety Patrol Officer.
b. Any water craft shall NOT exceed idle speed and shall not produce any wake. Violators will lose their lake privileges.
c. NO water skiing is permitted on White Lake at any time.
d. All water craft must be attended at all times while in operation. No person shall operate any water craft so as to approach or pass another water craft in such a manner as to create a hazardous condition. No person shall operate any water craft in a circular course around another water craft or person(s).
1. Qualified users swimming from a boat or raft must stay within twenty-five (25) feet of the boat or raft. A person 16 years or older must be in the boat or on the raft at all times.
2. All swimmers must have access to a life preserving device at all times.
3. Any person on the waters of White Lake who is not an experienced swimmer must have a life preserving device firmly attached to his/her body.
4. Any person swimming after dark must swim only in illuminated areas or be accompanied by a properly lighted water craft.
5. No floating device such as, but not limited to, any size inflatable floats, boats, inner tubes, or floating chairs shall be left unattended in the lake, nor tied up at shoreline unattended. These devices are a safety hazard to boaters, the dam and the spillway. If left unattended, they will be removed by WLCD. All such devices are to be secured properly on owners’ property other than when in use.
IV. FISHING [See 2015 Fish Study on website]
1. Only Qualified Users are permitted to fish in White Lake.
2. Fishing is permitted throughout the year.
3. THERE IS A POSSESSION LIMIT (STATE LAW) on the following species: bluegill – no limit; red ear sunfish – 25; black bass – 5; striped bass – 2; catfish, channel, blue flathead – 10.
4. Commercial fishing on White Lake is prohibited.
5. Placing fish in White Lake for stocking purposes is prohibited without the express consent of the Board of Directors of WLCD.
6. The use of gold fish or carp minnows as bait is prohibited.
7. Use of seines, traps, gigs, fire arms, explosives, shocking devices, arrows, spear guns, and other similar devices on White Lake is prohibited.
10. Night fishing using floating lights is permitted.
11. NO fishing lines will be left in the water unattended. You go in, the lines come in.
12. NO fishing lines shall be left in the water overnight.
13. Holes cut in the ice for fishing shall not exceed eight (8) inches in diameter. Cutting holes in the ice for any other purpose is prohibited, except in the case of an emergency.
1. No construction is allowed upon White Lake, nor shall any permanent structures be located upon White Lake, until said construction and/or structure permit has been approved by the WLCD Board of Directors. Freeholders seeking to construct or replace permanent docks upon White Lake shall complete permit application and submit drawings, plans and specifications describing the structure and the construction to be undertaken to the WLCD Board for approval via email at or or mail to 940 W Kamleifer Drive, Nineveh, IN 46164. Permit and application may be downloaded at
2. White Lake is owned by the WLCD. As such, the District imposes rules and regulations concerning construction of docks and any other structure attached to the lake bottom, as well as construction on the shoreline and areas within the White Lake watershed. No one shall alter the shoreline at any time.
3. Docks Not Located In Coves:
a. No dock may extend more than twelve (12) feet out into the lake when measured at right angles to the shoreline. For lots greater than 100 feet wide, the dock shall be no greater length than twenty (20 feet) hugging the lot’s shoreline. For lots less than 100 feet wide, the dock shall be no greater than fifteen (15 feet) in length. Docks may not extend into White Lake past an imaginary line created by extension of an adjacent lot line, at right angles to the shoreline, out into White Lake; and including areas near the dam structure and “water source” easements. All docks shall have the owner’s lot number prominently displayed in such a manner as to allow for convenient identification when viewed from White Lake.
b. Minimum distance from side lot lines is five feet (5 ft.), and structure is not to cross over imaginary line that extends out from side lot line.
4. Docks Located in Coves:
c. Docks built in a cove shall not extend out more than six (6) feet and the length shall be no greater than 25% of owner’s property line at shoreline.
d. Fifteen feet of unobstructed water must remain in the center of the cove, unless the said property is at the end of the cove. At the end of cove, dock can extend across end, not to exceed setback of five feet (5 ft.) from property line on either side. Where there are two or more properties adjacent, at end of cove, those property owners may cooperatively construct dock in a fashion so that the dock follows the contour of the shoreline without obstructing travel into the cove. The docks can be continuous around the end of the cove, but must remain separate or not connected at each property line. No cove dock shall obstruct navigation or access to docks of adjacent landowners.
e. Minimum distance from side lot line – five feet (5 ft.), and structure is not to cross over imaginary line that extends out from side lot line.
5. No dock or other structure may be built over or block storm water ditches (i.e. existing ditches created naturally or manmade to allow storm water to flow into the lake or over WLCD easements and tributaries to the lake).
6. Abandoned or damaged docks, concrete or wood pilings and posts, and/or rotten deck boards are to be removed immediately. ALL docks must have a finished top. Loose boards, posts and pilings are hazards to the lake and dam. Notice to remove or repair docks will be sent to owner who will have 60 days for removal or repair. Non-compliance will result in loss of lake privileges until compliance is met or by suit at law or equity if WLCD is required to remove items.
7. All floating docks, swim platforms, and other permanent structures not permanently affixed to the lake bed are prohibited. No structure extending into White Lake shall be attached to the shoreline by mooring cables or similar tethering devices.
8. No Freeholder shall fill, dredge or excavate any soil into or from the lake bed or engage in dredging or shoreline stabilization unless the proposed work is approved by the WLCD Board of Directors. Freeholders desiring to perform dredging or shoreline stabilization shall make a request in writing to the WLCD Board describing the type of work to be done, the intended start and completion dates, and the name of the contractor who will be doing the work; and insure the contractor is bonded and licensed. See Indiana Department of Natural Resources for dredging permitting. The Freeholder(s) is responsible for securing all regulatory agency permits; and must keep permits current. White Lake Board of Directors shall not be responsible for any construction that results in negligence, or unfinished shoreline construction. Moreover, the Board of Directors reserves the right to halt shoreline construction and enforce a “stop order” on shoreline construction due to negligence or noncompliance. This includes paragraph four (4) concerning construction and/or structures.
9. No person shall use, maintain, improve or occupy a lot in any manner that causes or could cause damage, pollution or degradation to White Lake, its dam, spillway or appurtenant structures; this includes “water sources” and easements.
1. Any accident on White Lake or properties of WLCD must be reported to a WLCD board member within twenty-four (24) hours.
2. All Qualified Users on White Lake shall obey all State of Indiana Water Laws and Safety Rules.
3. In accordance with Prince’s Lakes Town Board Ordinance, it is UNLAWFUL TO DEPOSIT ANY TRASH, DEBRIS, WASTE, and CHEMICALS, WEED KILLERS OR PESTICIDES IN THE WATERS OF WHITE LAKE unless authorized by the State Board of Health and the town board.
4. NO steel drums will be used for docks.
5. Any trees and/or limbs that fall into the lake are the responsibility of the property owner upon whose property the tree or limb has grown. Trees and limbs must be removed within sixty (60) days, as they constitute a safety hazard to users of the lake. The Freeholder(s) responsible for the removal shall be notified in writing by the WLCD; and shall cause the tree and/or limbs to be removed within sixty (60) days from the date of the notice. If the Freeholder fails to remove the trees and/or limbs within sixty (60) days after notice, the WLCD may cause the trees and/or limbs to be removed. All costs of removal shall be paid by the freeholder.
6. Any item or structure deemed by the WLCD Board of Directors to constitute a safety hazard to users of the lake or District property or anything which may cause damage to White Lake, its dam, spillway, or appurtenant structures, water sources, easements, or any other property owned by the WLCD, is strictly prohibited. Such items or structures may be removed without notice to the owner by the WLCD Board of Directors or its agents or employees.
7. Domestic animals must not deposit waste into the lake:
Pet waste decays, using up dissolved oxygen and releasing
compounds that are harmful to fish and other animals that rely on water.
Pet waste contains nutrients that can cause excessive algae growth in a
the lake, upsetting the natural balance.
Pet waste contributes to bacterial contamination of the lake and
Pet waste contains harmful bacteria such as E. Coli and fecal
coliform. Waters that contain a high amount of bacteria such as E. Coli are unfit
for human contact. A single gram of pet waste contains an average of 23
million fecal coliform bacteria, some of which can cause disease in humans.
8. Failure of any person(s) to abide by and obey Section V of these Rules and Regulations shall immediately deprive that person(s) of any right or claim to be upon or to use the waters of White Lake or properties of WLCD, and he/she shall immediately (except as reasonable time is given for departure) become a trespasser. Further use of the White Lake or properties of WLCD after such violation shall subject such person(s) to arrest, court costs and attorney fees as provided by said rules and/or due process of law.
9. Any Freeholder(s) delinquent on property taxes and/or WLCD tax levy shall not be allowed permission for any construction/or permits for construction on WLCD shoreline as describe in this ordinance; and be it further known that the delinquent Freeholder(s) shall be given written notices; and are subject to suspension of any and all White Lake rights (use of watercraft(s), fishing or swimming) until delinquency in taxes and levies are paid in full.
a. Any Freeholder(s) aggrieved by the issuance of any order or determination made by the Board of Directors of the WLCD relating to any rule violation must appeal said order or determination to the Board of Directors of the WLCD prior to instituting any court proceedings against WLCD.
10. No fish or other aquatic wildlife or vegetation may be added to lake. The WLCD Board is responsible for stocking the lake with fish and aquatic wildlife from licensed fisheries.
Due to erosion impacting White Lake by clearing of property, including, but not limited to, cutting of trees, shrubs, and vegetation or any other land disturbance, that exposes bare soil, approval must be obtained from Prince’s Lakes Town Council Building Inspector [Ref. Ordinance Code 152.100 “Erosion and Sediment Control” specifically
Town Ordinance:
152.104 Permit] and an approved permit from WLCD Board for land disturbance five (5) feet from shoreline. WLCD is responsible for land five feet from shoreline in order to maintain erosion control for protecting aquatic life and a healthy ecology of the lake. No heavy duty equipment, such as backhoe or bull dozer may be used within five (5) feet of shoreline. Proper erosion control measures ARE REQUIRED five (5) feet from shoreline as well as on Freeholder’s property while bare soil is exposed.
It is a violation to rake or blow property leaves, deposit cut trees or landscape brush into the lake. Violators will lose their lake privileges.
“Content of erosion control plan for land disturbing activities covering less than one acre in a given state. An erosion control plan statement describing the site and erosion control measures and including a development schedule and a simple map showing the locations of the control measures is all that is required. “
Princes Lakes Ordinance 152. 105 Inspection
“To ensure compliance with the erosion control plan, the administering authority shall inspect the sites having ongoing land disturbing activities at least once a month during the period between March 1 and November 30 and at least twice during the period between December 1 and February 28. If land disturbing activities are being carried out without a permit, the administering authority shall issue a stop-work order.”
05/25/15 Revised Rules & Regulations by WLCD
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