

White Lake Conservancy District

November 2021

Welcome new lake residents!  If you haven't had time, please read the Lake Rules & Regulations on this site (left hand titles).  If you have any questions, please contact a board member.

As winter approaches, a friendly reminder that ONLY pontoon boats are allowed to be left in the water from December - March.  Also, make sure they are secured tightly to your dock.  All other floating devices including regular fishing boats, paddle boats, floats, kayaks, and paddle boards must be secured on your dock and/or your property....not in the water.  This is to protect the primary spillway should any device break away during a storm and block the spillway.

As of January 2022, the White Lake Conservancy District's 1997 loan for repair to the primary spillway will be paid off.  The second loan for $200,000 to build the Emergency Spillway will extend approximately seven more years.  Both of these repairs were required by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) who regulates all Indiana dams.

In the District's 2020 Dam Inspection, it was discovered that there was severe erosion on the exit side of the primary spillway (back side of the dam).  IDNR is requiring the District to stabilize the exit spillway with concrete wing walls or some other type material.  Plans for this work is projected in 2023 when the District can apply for a matching grant from IDNR/FEMA.  The District will match 25% of the grant amount requested.  

 In 1993, the Town of Prince's Lakes widened Lakeview Drive which crosses the dam and did not take into consideration the amount of street water run-off.  This was a major cause of the erosion.  On November 10, Mike Richards (Board Member), David Morgan, and Bob Averitt put in a 40 foot long water barrier under the existing guardrails to prevent further erosion.  The Board members will continue monitoring the erosion problem.

During 2021, three violations to the lake occurred.  One was so severe that Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) and US Army Corps of Engineers sited a lake owner with a violation to remove debris placed in the lake.  A second owner released four domestic ducks on the lake and this issue is being resolved by the District.  The third violation was a professional tree removal service who trespassed on a lake resident's property and dumped logs and limbs into a lake cove.  A police report was made for trespassing and the tree removal company removed the debris from the cove.  Waterfowl, fish or any type debris are not allowed to be placed in the lake, coves and/or streams.  Domestic waterfowl can breed with the wild waterfowl that visit the lake creating a hybrid waterfowl which may have genetic problems.  Plus, if the domestic waterfowl reproduce and stay on the lake. This is not healthy for the lake.  [Ref:  IDNR website]

As lake residents, we can only use the lake for recreational purposes.  The District owns the lake, its coves and streams and all are jurisdictional waters of the State of Indiana and are regulated by IDEM and US Army Corps of Engineers.  The dam, emergency spillway and property within 150 feet of the dam are regulated by IDNR.  It is the District's Board members to bring violations to the attention of these regulatory agencies.  Any resident witnessing violations should report them to the Board members.  

We, as lake residents, are the caretakers of our beautiful lake to maintain its ecology, cleanliness and beauty for now and future generations to be used for recreational purposes. 

Have a safe winter, see you on the lake next spring!



p.s. Burning leaves this fall--please keep the leaf ash from washing into the lake.  It contains 1.2% phosphorus and 7% potassium, two essential nutrients for plant growth.  Same as lawn fertilizer which causes weeds to flourish in the lake.



WLCD Board Members:  

Jayne Averitt, Mike Richards


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