
What is a Conservancy District?

The Indiana Conservancy District Act, I.C. 14-33 provides a vehicle by which landowners can organize a special taxing district to solve problems related to water resources management.  Problems that can be addressed through the Indiana Conservancy District Act are as follows:
  1. Flood prevention and control.
  2. Improving drainage.
  3. Providing for irrigation.
  4. Providing water supply, including treatment and distribution, for domestic, industrial, and public use.
  5. Providing for collection, treatment and disposal of sewage and other liquid wastes.
  6. Developing forests, wildlife areas, parks and recreational facilities where feasible in connection with beneficial water management.
  7. Preventing the loss of topsoil from injurious water erosion.
  8. Storage of water for augmentation of stream flow.
  9. Operation, maintenance, and improvement of any work of  improvement for water based recreational purposes, or other work of improvement that could have been built for any other purpose authorized by the Act.
Ref:  Indiana Conservancy District Act I.C. 14.33

White Lake Conservancy District was formed for the purpose of #6, Recreation and #9 Operation & Maintenance.